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77.27% Community Approval

Sasahara Kanji is a college freshman who decides to join a student society to share his hidden thoughts on manga, anime and gaming. When he first visited Genshiken, short for "Gendai Shikaku Bunka Kenkyuu Kai" (Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture), his groundless pride was destroyed by the plotting of Madarame, a sophomore student in Genshiken, but he still couldn't admit that he is an otaku. However, as he participates in society activities such as visiting … read more

Rank #915 (Most Popular Anime) Rank #1436 (Highest Rated Anime)

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Anime Details
  • English Genshiken
  • English (American) Genshiken
  • Japanese げんしけん
  • Japanese (Romaji) Genshiken
  • Synonyms The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture
  • Type TV
  • Episodes 12
  • Status Finished
  • Aired Oct 10, 2004 to Dec 26, 2004
  • Season Fall 2004
  • More info

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