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Idea ga Tsukamaranai.


A man is racking himself at a desk. On his desk there is a tiny man also racking himself at his desk.The big man remains still without any idea. The tiny man moves around in vain trying to catch some idea, which is supposed to be inside of him. Both man get cornered searching for idea, become desperate and after the daybreak the big man is struck by an idea... (Source: Official website)

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Anime Details
  • English Uncapturable Ideas
  • English (American) Uncapturable Ideas
  • Japanese アイデアが捕まらない。
  • Japanese (Romaji) Idea ga Tsukamaranai.
  • Type Movie
  • Episodes 1
  • Status Finished
  • Aired Jan 1, 2011
  • Season Winter 2011
  • More info

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