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Giant Gorg

74.49% Community Approval

Austral Island is located 2,000 km south from Samoa islands. The existence of the island was removed from the official records, and Tagami Yu made a journey to search for the reason. He sailed for the island with Dr. Waive who was his father's friend, Doris who is the daughter of Dr. Waive, and Captain who is the friend of Dr. Waive. On their way to the island, GAIL, the international conglomerate, and gangster, Cougar Connection lead by Lady Lynx attacked them. They … read more

Rank #6628 (Most Popular Anime) Rank #2492 (Highest Rated Anime)

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Anime Details
  • English Giant Gorg
  • English (American) Giant Gorg
  • Japanese 巨神ゴーグ〈ジャイアントゴーグ〉
  • Japanese (Romaji) Giant Gorg
  • Synonyms Kyoshin Gorg, Kyojin Gorg
  • Type TV
  • Episodes 26
  • Status Finished
  • Aired Apr 5, 1984 to Sep 27, 1984
  • Season Spring 1984
  • More info

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