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Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program

71.1% Community Approval

Deep in the dark recesses of the UnderNet, Forte sleeps as he drifts aimlessly. In this cybernetic graveyard, a pulsating power re-awakens Forte, alerting him to a dangerous being shortly ahead. A haunting face appears amidst a massive bright purple blob, laughing directly at Forte. Cursing him, Forte finds himself powerless as the blob takes form, and captures him within its grasp! Nearing the time of sunset, a peaceful city and its people go about their everyday business. … read more

Rank #7748 (Most Popular Anime) Rank #4368 (Highest Rated Anime)

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Anime Details
  • Japanese 劇場版 ロックマン エグゼ: 光と闇の遺産
  • Japanese (Romaji) Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program
  • Synonyms Theater Edition Rockman EXE: Program of Light and Dark, Rockman EXE MOVIE, Rockman EXE ~ Hikari to Yami no Program ~
  • Type Movie
  • Episodes 1
  • Status Finished
  • Aired Mar 12, 2005
  • Season Spring 2005
  • More info

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