@Doaks Happy One Piece Day! Considering today’s, the celebration of One Piece’s 20th Anniversary, I felt the need to put some time into sharing a bit about my appreciation for the series! :)


Back in the days of watching television frequently, on Fox (4Kids TV) I would occasionally catch an episode of One Piece, I didn’t watch it too much nor did it really grab me, but I would never forget the ridiculous opening it had and the appearance of Usopp, that design of his had an lasting impression on me haha! Years later at the start of my time at high school, this was when I garnered …

One Piece
Gol D. Roger was known as the Pirate King, the strongest and most infamous being to have sailed the Grand Line. The capture and death of Roger by t...
  • Doaks

    @FullmetalHagane Haha your story is one as worthy to hear as mine! I know I watched only parts of the anime because I also hate Toei’s work on it. Lazy they be. I’ve seen like a chunk of Romance Dawn and Water 7 in the anime and that is pretty much it in that medium but Ive been a consistent reader for over 8 years now or so.