Post to C.K.'s comfy corner…
Group Activity

how do I randomly reach out to someone I have barely talked to and ask to be friends with?

heyyyy, I got bored and this kinda seemed like a safe space, and there wasn’t a lot of people so just wanted to say hi and introduce myself

Whats an anime you would recommend to new weebs that would traumatize them? asking for a friend 0-0

Hello friends!! This is a space I made where you ask for my input on any topics on your mind. They can be related to anything you want! Just a few guidelines to get us started (yes I know, they are boring, but important):
- No NSFW/NSFL content: If you post something that I deem to be sexually explicit or too extreme, your post will be taken down and I will give you a warning. Do it again and you will be removed from the group. Important note: Questions regarding serious topics are okay, as these focus on real-life issues that need proper answers.
- If you pose a question that may be triggering, please add a “Trigger warning”. This is supposed to be a space where people feel comfortable.
- …

internally screams of idk what emotion how’s your day?