Community Rules

  1. Don't judge people for the shows they watch (Judge them for the shows they haven't watched yet)
  2. Be respectful of others opinions
  3. No spoilers (discussing whether a show has a payoff or not doesn't count for this, as long as you don't spoil the payoff)
  4. Avoid posting NSFW content (if you must post it, be sure to tag it)
  5. Feel free to make/ask for recommendations or offer/solicit opinions
  6. This group is not for discovering new anime. It is for discussing anime you have heard about or chanced upon, or even shows you have watched only a bit of.
  7. Anime that have only started this season (i.e. not sequels or continuations of anime from earlier seasons) are probably more suited for other recommendation/discussion groups. Feel free to talk about them though (^_^)