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Emo x Tianshi Buneng Youhao Xiangchu

79.22% Community Approval

Demons and angels are two opposite races. As the times change, they are tired of fighting. In order to coexist peacefully, they decided to start a marriage plan! The plan has a one-year observation period. If the devil and angel still cannot get along well, the marriage will be cancelled. As a result, Jiacheng (devil) and Yu Shanshan (angel) were "luckily" selected by lottery as marriage partners, and started a "happy" cohabitation life with the destination of divorce. read more

Rank #6647 (Most Popular Manga) Rank #1222 (Highest Rated Manga)
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Manga Details
  • Chinese (Pinyin) Emo x Tianshi Buneng Youhao Xiangchu
  • Chinese (Simplified) 恶魔X天使 不能友好相处
  • English Demon x Angel, Can't Get Along
  • Type Manhua
  • Status Publishing
  • Published Dec 24, 2020
  • More info