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"I've always felt this discomfort with my own body. I wondered why my penis never grew on my body even though I always hanged out with the boys in the class. I was scolded for asking Santa for a penis. In elementary school, boys teased my by undressing me. I never wore the uniform, but only the school jersey. I never made a friend. When I had my first period, the shock was excruciating. My mind lied to my own body, and I just wanted to die. I began to worry if I was a … read more

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Manga Details
  • English (American) Gender Identity Disorder
  • Japanese G.I.D.
  • Japanese (Romaji) G.I.D.
  • Type Novel
  • Volumes 2
  • Chapters 20
  • Status Finished
  • Published Feb 16, 2006 to Jul 20, 2006
  • More info