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Jyushin no Katana


The Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, and the Pig. These twelve tribes, each boasting their own special powers, battled for hegemony over the nation until the Emperor, tired of these endless wars, instead proposed a "festival"—5v5 proxy battles for which each tribe must send a "beastblade" to fight on their behalf. Princess Ibusuki of the Rabbit tribe, the weakest clan of all, was searching for … read more

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Manga Details
  • English KATANA Beast
  • Japanese 獣心のカタナ
  • Japanese (Romaji) Jyushin no Katana
  • Synonyms Juushin no Katana
  • Type Manga
  • Status Publishing
  • Published Nov 1, 2023
  • More info