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KimoOta, Idol Yarutteyo


"When I woke up this morning there was a beautiful girl, but that was... me!?" - Idol Otaku Ohsaka Yousuke wakes up one morning and realizes he's now a beautiful girl named Ohsaka Yoko. Now with his new appearance and his great Idol knowledge, he will attempt to become the number one idol. (Source: Mangadex)

Rank #13620 (Most Popular Manga)
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Manga Details
  • English Disgusting Otaku, Become an Idol!
  • Japanese キモオタ、アイドルやるってよ
  • Japanese (Romaji) KimoOta, Idol Yarutteyo
  • Type Manga
  • Status Publishing
  • Published Apr 28, 2018
  • More info