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The gag comedy centers around a purported college student named Haruo "Cats" Kyattsuyama who only went to his school, the low-tier Kunekune College, once. One day, he sees a cute Russian Blue cat named Kan-u abandoned in a cardboard box on the roadside somewhere in Japan. Kyattsuyama pretends not to see the cat, and continues to do so for an entire year. Surprisingly, no one has shown up to try to save the cat, so Kyattsuyama finally decides to pick the cat up — however, by … read more

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Manga Details
  • English
  • Japanese クレムリン
  • Japanese (Romaji) Kremlin
  • Synonyms Kрσмль
  • Type Manga
  • Status Finished
  • Published Jan 1, 2009 to Jan 17, 2013
  • More info