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The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a 16-year-old student who has just moved to the seemingly serene village of Jogamachi. Nestled in the mountains far away from the city, the village is divided by a river that separates old Jogamachi from new Jogamachi. Young Hiroshi soon discovers that the village is ancient as well as mysterious traditions and customs have been kept alive over the ages. Although a bit bewildered by the new environment, Hiroshi begins to settle into his new … read more

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Manga Details
  • English
  • Japanese おおかみかくし
  • Japanese (Romaji) Ookamikakushi
  • Synonyms Wolfed Away, Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf
  • Type Novel
  • Volumes 3
  • Chapters 15
  • Status Finished
  • Published Mar 18, 2010 to Mar 18, 2011
  • More info