A Decade of Cool and Unusual anime
Post #2 explanation/index

Many excellent shows were made between 2010 and 2019, reaching a bigger audience than ever before. You’ll find some of those shows in this series of posts, but if you’re looking for this decade’s cream of the crop, critically acclaimed and commercially successful anime you might end up disappointed.

This is a retrospective look at what I consider to be 50 of the coolest and most unusual shows of the decade.

Rang Wo Men Shao Ba (2018) [5/10]
Also known as: Fire X Fire, Let Us Burn

Format: 2 short episodes with a combined runtime of 12 minutes

Coolness: the hottest thing to come out of China since bishounen Karl Marx


Rang Wo Men Shao Ba
Lovelorn Xiao Yong entered high school in despair. In order to get out of the haze of lovelorn, he joined a school club, FFF. Later he learned that...