It’s weird.

The beginning is strange: they show you a few seconds of some catastrophe in the city, then switched to “good and happy old days” which seem to span weeks, if not months, but are being fit into 3 minutes, and then return to the catastrophe. This felt disjointed. I would have dropped the first few seconds, and then made the “good and happy old days” longer, at least 5 minutes, and show a bit more “flesh” of the 2 girls’ relationships, so that viewers would care, when 1 of them dies.

Then a guy appears, who is probably one of the edgiest characters I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, my own stories had edgy characters, there is nothing wrong with that, but… I could not get a …

In a world where the Demon King has died, a host of demigods capable of felling him have inherited the world: a master fencer who can figure out ho...