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About Me

I am studying games design at University. I have a love for animation, anime, games, and animals. I also have a strong interest in fiction books and in writing. In my spare time, I like to take my son to new places and we have fun little adventures together as a family. I am learning Japanese as part of my personal and professional development.

  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Za Warudo
  • Birthday: September 10th
  • Join Date: February 21st, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
70% Action
49% Adventu...
49% Comedy
45% Fantasy
32% Science...
31% Super P...
19% Drama
1.2 months spent watching anime.
76 completed. More than 87% of users.
Manga Stats
Looks like greebster doesn't have any stats yet.
159 chapters read.
More than 16% of users.

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