About Me

This is my Waifu. There are many like her, but this one is mine. She is my life. I must master her as I must master my laifu. Without me my Waifu is useless. Without my Waifu, I am useless. I must love my Waifu true. I must love her more than the others who are trying to outdo me. I must love her more than they do. I will. My Waifu and I know that what counts in love is not her being real, what people say, or the claims they make. We know that it is the feelings that count. We will feel.

  • Gender: Male
  • Location: California
  • Birthday: May 10th
  • Join Date: June 6th, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
59% Action
51% Comedy
50% Fantasy
31% Adventu...
30% Romance
27% Science...
21% Super P...
2.4 months spent watching anime.
203 completed. More than 95% of users.
Manga Stats
67% Action
47% Fantasy
47% Comedy
40% Adventu...
40% Horror
40% Drama
27% Romance
3,978 chapters read.
15 completed. More than 88% of users.

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