About Me

Hello my name is Andrea also known as Viz i'm a Senior High student studying and working at Japan and welcome to my profile and i hope you have a good day :)

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: It's a secret
  • Birthday: It's a secret
  • Join Date: July 2nd, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
60% Action
55% Comedy
40% Super P...
30% Adventu...
30% Romance
25% Drama
20% Fantasy
10.2 days spent watching anime.
20 completed. More than 64% of users.
Manga Stats
60% Comedy
50% Action
40% Fantasy
40% Romance
40% Drama
40% Psychol...
30% Horror
1,120 chapters read.
10 completed. More than 65% of users.

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