Post to monky_mon…
About Me

Call me old fashioned but I was raised to serve my husband. I clean his chains and cook his food. I do whatever he says because he is my husband and he makes the rules around the house. He owns me. I am his property. If he ever leaves to find his clans eyes it's because I was lacking.

  • Husbando: Kurapika
  • Gender: It's a secret
  • Location: kurapika's dungeon I MEAN WHAT
  • Birthday: August 23rd
  • Join Date: July 26th, 2020 (3 years ago)
Anime Stats
62% Action
49% Fantasy
48% Comedy
42% Adventu...
34% Super P...
26% Drama
16% Romance
20.5 days spent watching anime.
91 completed. More than 79% of users.
Manga Stats
80% Action
70% Fantasy
60% Adventu...
40% Drama
20% Super P...
20% Horror
20% Thrille...
652 chapters read.
10 completed. More than 49% of users.

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