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About Me

Pokemon music check, lyrics check, no creativity check, Ok here we go a theme song everyone prepare to get your minds blown at how lazy I am that this theme song is a parody of Pokemon ALL RIGHT LETS GO ( imagine the Pokemon theme playing and sing it like you would the original ) 🎼 i wanna be the very best like know one ever was, to watch them is my real test to Bing them is my cause I will search the reading list searching for the anime, this anime to understand the feels that are inside , ANI

  • Gender: It's a secret
  • Location: It's a secret
  • Birthday: It's a secret
  • Join Date: March 1st, 2021 (3 years ago)
Anime Stats
88% Action
65% Super P...
53% Fantasy
41% Adventu...
41% Drama
29% Comedy
24% Angst
6.1 days spent watching anime.
17 completed. More than 52% of users.

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