About Me

A 16yo girl living in... well, I'm not telling you that. I'm not the most hardcore anime watcher, but sometimes I do get off my butt and marathon a series or two. Sometimes I put on a crazy face in the forums, but that's just me stretching my acting/writing so I don't get rusty. Generally, I try to be polite, but I won't let others de-value my own opinion without some REALLY good reasons as to why I'm wrong!

  • Husbando: Yuu Narukami
  • Gender: It's a secret
  • Location: It's a secret
  • Birthday: It's a secret
  • Join Date: November 15th, 2013 (10 years ago)
Anime Stats
58% Fantasy
48% Action
48% Comedy
38% Adventu...
29% Drama
23% Super P...
23% Science...
14.2 days spent watching anime.
48 completed. More than 71% of users.
Manga Stats
133% Fantasy
67% Magical...
67% Horror
67% Drama
33% Action
33% Thrille...
33% Mystery
84 chapters read.
3 completed. More than 9% of users.

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