Review by Antaku
    Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys good

    This is just a short review about my opinions
    I Actually have high hopes for this, but what i didn’t know that this is actually a game (i think? :/) so sometimes i just wish the heroine would say “I’M A GIRL” to everyone but that didn’t happen.

    Review by Antaku
    Yuri!!! on Ice good

    I’m probably already late at this but who cares LOL
    just to say this Anime is ‘pretty good’ not the best that i have seen but good enough, when i saw the trailer i was so pumped up bc there’s music, art, and figure skating it seems and don’t forget there’s boys. lots of BOIs. I didn’t technically get what i wanted but i could still enjoy this.

    Review by Antaku
    Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho good

    This is just a short review about my opinions
    I started watching this series when Animax has the show (2014?) i’m not that old so that i could watch this when it serialized in Japan (in the 90s). but this anime has great fight- scene’s and a good animation for a 90s anime. the characters are unique and awesome as well. it’s been a while since i watched this i should watch them again sometime.

    Review by Antaku
    Yume-iro Pâtissière good

    This is just a short review about my opinions
    the concept, art and character design suit the theme very well you could say. there’s a playboy like character, a calm character, and my favorite the male tsundere character. there’s romance, there’s school, there’s comedy, and most important there’s CAKE and SWEETS. no kidding every time i watched this show i just felt really hungry. wait almost all people are LOL.

    Review by Antaku
    Yume-iro Pâtissière SP Professional great

    This is just a short review about my opinions
    not many ppl had watched the sequel to this show, i’ts probably because the cover of season 1 and 2 had different characters in them. but seriously Kashino just became more and more handsome.