About Me

Hello! I'm an Anime Fan, mainly the RomCom genre because I love majority of the cliché characters and jokes they make in the animes. Also, Slice of Life is something I like to watch with the Romance, and to me that helps on the character development and so we can see how both MC's spent their time together and how they got to the point they are in the final episodes. Anyway, that's my opinion ;) thanks for following me around on my way to become the ultimate weeb.

  • Waifu: Haruhi Suzumiya
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: baguetteland
  • Birthday: February 28th
  • Join Date: July 31st, 2016 (7 years ago)
Anime Stats
76% Comedy
59% Romance
38% Fantasy
32% Ecchi
30% Action
25% Harem
18% Science...
1.5 months spent watching anime.
205 completed. More than 90% of users.
Manga Stats
67% Comedy
67% Romance
33% Action
33% Horror
33% Harem
177 chapters read.
3 completed. More than 17% of users.

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Favorite Characters

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