Review by PyromaniacMariner
    Toradora! good

    I was recommended this by friends on YouTube and thought it would be a rather average school themed Anime. After the second episode I realised how wrong that prejudgement had been, it has been quite a touching Anime to watch and I have enjoyed pretty much all of it. It's an amazing comedical, romantic series to watch and I would recommend it to almost everyone I know. It has made me laugh; be happy; feel deeply sad and at times, almost cry, and anyone who knows me will know …

    Review by PyromaniacMariner
    Spice and Wolf II good

    A wonderful continuation of the first Spice and Wolf series, something loved by all those who watched it. This is a greatly touching tale with a bit of animal thrown in for good measure it makes for one of the best continuation Animes I have ever watched. I recommend this to anyone who has finished the original Spice and Wolf and still wants a bit more of the Holo and grain trading story.

    Review by PyromaniacMariner
    Cat Soup good

    WTF is all that can really be said about this, errr, thing. It hardly constitutes Anime it's that crazy. 

    Does anyone know a mental health doctor who could help with my new found fear of strangers and cats. 

    Review by PyromaniacMariner
    K-On! good

    A fun series to watch. I don't usually watch music or sport based shows, however I think that this is an amazing anime that I would recommend to anyone; considering I wouldn't have watched it without prompt from friends, I am surprised with myself that I am definitely going to watch the second series. This anime has surpassed my very low expectations and has gained this genre my recognition.