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About Me

The name's a bit long, so you can just call me "Kid" for short if you feel like it. Or actually... What the hell, you can even call me by my actual name if you want! So, hello to you, whoever you are. My name is Brian, and I am very pleased to meet you! and if you are Reeaaally feeling like it, go ahead and call me, "B" or "BB" for short, since those are a couple nicknames I've been given in real life.

  • Gender: It's a secret
  • Location: It's a secret
  • Birthday: It's a secret
  • Join Date: August 21st, 2013 (11 years ago)
Anime Stats
64% Action
61% Comedy
57% Fantasy
45% Adventu...
32% Super P...
26% Science...
24% Romance
3.3 months spent watching anime.
319 completed. More than 97% of users.
Manga Stats
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40 chapters read.
More than 7% of users.

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