About Me

Every event serves to emphasize the existence of one’s own personal reality, and as individuals separate from all others, we desire a place to belong. However, that, too, is but an egotistical concept --- Recognize that you are connected. Serialize thyself. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/pachinkopachisro/imgs/1/b/1b099ecb.jpg Arcane review: https://kitsu.io/posts/9684985

  • Waifu: Ai Enma
  • Gender: Anti-Moe
  • Location: Heavenly Host Elementary School
  • Birthday: May 11th
  • Join Date: August 4th, 2013 (10 years ago)
Anime Stats
47% Action
40% Comedy
38% Fantasy
28% Science...
27% Romance
22% Adventu...
18% Drama
1.3 years spent watching anime.
2,265 completed. More than 99% of users.
Manga Stats
54% Romance
51% Comedy
49% Ecchi
36% Fantasy
26% Action
17% Drama
16% Thrille...
9,226 chapters read.
81 completed. More than 96% of users.

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