Review by heychrisfox
    Sword Art Online: Extra Edition awful

    Just trashy. There was no need for this "movie" at all. Kirito and the gang have to clean the school pool for no apparent reason, all the while Kirito has a special meeting with a counselor and nurse, for again, no apparent reason. Except OH DRAMA, the counselor is actually a government operative who has been following Kirito very closely and had many conversations with him off-camera, and is for some reason asking him about the events Kirito has lived through.

    Cue literal …

    Review by heychrisfox
    Mysterious Girlfriend X awful

    What did I even watch? This was awful. A threadbare plot tied solely around the act of a girl jamming her finger into a boy's mouth. How they made so many episodes of this is beyond my knowledge. What I will say is that the main girl is super cool. The concept of her character is fun and interesting, bordering on forceful and yandere. Her dominant nature is fun, and if they explored that part of her character more, the show would probably have more appeal. Not to mention …

    Review by heychrisfox
    Akira meh

    Technically brilliant! Garbage narrative. Hope you enjoy symbolism and making heads or tails of nonsense, because that's all this movie offers you for your attention. 

    Review by heychrisfox
    Aldnoah.Zero meh

    It's remarkable that such a great idea can be so disappointing. Years after Mars has been colonized, but they detest their rulers back on Earth. With ancient technology, they seek to claim Earth as their own, fail, and want to try again. So they attempt to assassinate their own royalty to instigate a war. And there are big mechs and stuff. Awesome right?

    Sadly, the show struggles to get beyond it's amazing premise. The writing is abysmal. While Inaho is a really intriguing …

    Review by heychrisfox
    Plastic Memories awful

    I enjoyed the premise of Plastic Memories. Weird androids that serve people, they have an experation date, explore the emotional connections to those who pass from the realm of the living. The first episodes had a lot of promise, with some emotionally captivating scenes, and a lot of great tension building. 

    But Plastic Memories takes a lot of liberties with its plot. The main foil just happens to be near the end of her lifespan and struggling to cope with her fading life. …

    Review by heychrisfox
    Keijo!!!!!!!! meh

    A sports anime that has no right to be as good as it is. But if you’re looking for some mindless entertainment, you will not find a show that has as many creative synonyms for asses and tits than Keijo. Also, the dub is REALLY high quality.