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About Me

Everything either gets a Meh or Good unless I really liked it. I want Yusuke Kitagawa to snuggle me softly.

  • Gender: Female
  • Location: :)
  • Birthday: May 6th
  • Join Date: July 2nd, 2018 (6 years ago)
Anime Stats
61% Comedy
37% Fantasy
34% Action
32% Romance
23% Adventu...
15% Science...
15% Super P...
1.7 months spent watching anime.
234 completed. More than 92% of users.
Manga Stats
44% Romance
28% Comedy
23% Drama
14% Fantasy
3% Angst
3% Psychol...
1% Vampire
2,102 chapters read.
79 completed. More than 80% of users.

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Ads suck, but that's how we keep the lights on. Please whitelist us in your adblocker.