@Doaks Top 25 anime list. I even used proper grammar just for you, buddy (;

Honorable mentions that didn’t make the list but probably would’ve if I wasn’t in the process of currently watching them or any other such reason:
-Hunter x Hunter
-Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012)
-Spongebob Squarepants (1999-2004)
-Like half of the anime currently airing like LWA, Maid Dragon, Demi-chan, Urara Meiroajdskfjd, etc.

ALRIGHT LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#25: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I’m actively petitioning for the eradication of Christianity from my white-suburban community in favor of Haruhiism, the one true religion to rule all religions.

#24: Lucky Star
Kagami was my 1st …